Secure Communications and Exchange for Friends, Family and Community with the localPort™ Sentinel Node Device for Your Home and localHERO™ Messenger for ALL Your Contacts

FREE: localHERO Messenger with $1 Reservation 

Save 66% on a localPort Sentinel when we launch our Indiegogo!
Reserve your discount for just $1 today.

Get the localHERO™ Messenger app free (regularly $4.99) and lock in 66% off the localPort Sentinel home device with your $1 deposit right now.

Get a Huge 66% off a Sentinel when we launch on Indiegogo!

100% Refund Guarantee

If you cancel your reservation, we will guarantee you a full refund at any time before the project is in production.

Transparency Guarantee

We will be transparent about the progress of our project throughout the entire campaign.

Secure Payment

All orders are processed through Stripe over our secure network. Your credit card information is never stored in any way. We respect your privacy.